VINTAGE PHOTO EFFECTS IN ENCAUSTIC with Bridget Benton, Thursday, Oct 3rd (10AM - 5PM ET) 2024

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VINTAGE PHOTO EFFECTS IN ENCAUSTIC with Bridget Benton, Thursday, Oct 3rd (10AM - 5PM ET) 2024


Thursday, Oct 3rd - 10 AM to 5 PM- $165 - All materials included!

This workshop is a great introduction to one way of working with black and white photography and encaustic. Bridget will share her favorite method for mounting photographs on cradled wood panels, as well as how she layers colored pencil, encaustic medium, oil paint or oil sticks, and pan pastels to enhance the images. The effect can be a like a wonderful, vintage, hand-tinted photograph! Add collage elements and stencil encaustic paint directly into the encaustic, and the results can be quirky and much more modern.

Students will have an opportunity to work with two images, one sized for an 8x8 panel and one sized for an 8x10 panel. Students will be able to choose from a variety of black and white “found ancestor” portraits, still lives, and more. For an extra fee, students with digital photo experience can send two images to Bridget at least one week before class for formatting and printing.

Students will come away with a minimum of two completed pieces, as well as information on how to print and work with their own images to create “encaustic photo effects” in their own home studios. Participants will also receive basic instruction on safety and as well as techniques for working with encaustic medium and encaustic collage. 

For an additional $35 fee, Bridget will print and supply photos of student’s choosing. If you pick this option, please email to arrange payment. This class seats 8 students.

Add on Bridget’s LAYERS OF MEANING: ENCAUSTIC AND COLLAGE on October 5th and 6th for a fantastic week of top-tier Encaustic instruction!

Bridget Benton is  the lead instructor in Encaustic Methods,  Nature Print, ecoprint and collage methods at 310 ART. In addition to local teaching, Bridget is a faculty member  of the international encaustic online encaustic masterclass, Painting with Fire, as well as the author of the award-winning “The Creative Conversation: ArtMaking as Playful Prayer”. Teaching credentials include at the Creative Problem Solving Institute in Buffalo, NY; the Newport Visual Arts Center in Newport, OR; Art Unraveled in Phoenix, AZ; and Collage in Portland, OR. as well as the Nature Printing Society’s Annual Workshop where she served for several years as the event’s Educational Coordinator.

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