PAINTING FROM PHOTO REFERENCES! with Susan Sinyai, Nov 5th (10AM - 4PM ET) 2024

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Evening Light on the Marsh for 310 workshop.jpg
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Evening Light on the Marsh for 310 workshop.jpg

PAINTING FROM PHOTO REFERENCES! with Susan Sinyai, Nov 5th (10AM - 4PM ET) 2024


Wednesday, November 5th - 10 AM to 4 PM- $165 - All materials included! Oils will be provided for class. If you prefer acrylics, bring your own paints, substrates and brushes provided for both mediums,

Start with a photo reference…but paint from your heart! This class is great for those with some painting experience wanting to improve skills and techniques!

Plein Aire painting is wonderful and informative, and there is no doubt that being out in nature provides inspiration.  But what about that ephemeral moment of perfect light that you captured in a photo, or the place that holds special memories that you can’t get back to. What if you can’t get outside, or don’t have your painting supplies?

Well, guess what,  no worries!  Susan is here to teach you how to PAINT FROM A PHOTO REFERENCE!  

In this workshop students will focus on using one or more references as a tool for inspiration - not unlike the way we would approach painting from life:  observe, find an area of interest, analyze and design, and proceed to interpret the scene.  The goal is  to not slavishly copy what we are seeing, but to convey the feeling and mood of it.  In this workshop we will focus on the landscape.   We will explore the many different ways you can unchain yourself from that photograph boldly make some changes  to make it into a your own beautiful painting. 

This class seats 8 students.

Susan Sinyai is an accomplished artist and teacher, specializing in Oil and Pastel. She has won awards in numerous local, regional and national shows for her gorgeous landscapes, florals, and portraits.

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